1. APIs

Because APIs need to be passed over the wire, they are implemented as serializable types, referenced as cosmic.API.

API spec
A piece of data that describes an API. The JSON form of the API type.

Every API built with Cosmic provides a /spec.json endpoint. When accessed by a GET request, it will return the spec of the API. This URL is all the information that Cosmic needs to generate documentation and build native API clients.

Here is the schema of the API type:

Struct {
    required name :: String
    optional homepage :: String
    required models :: OrderedMap(Struct {
        required schema :: Schema
        required required :: Boolean
        optional doc :: String
    required query_fields :: OrderedMap(Struct {
        required schema :: Schema
        required required :: Boolean
        optional doc :: String
    required actions :: OrderedMap(cosmic.Function)

The API name will be used as a namespace for referencing the API’s models. Thus, it should be unique, though Cosmic does not yet provide a way to enforce that (see Cosmic Registry). Optionally, you can specify a homepage as a URL. Both actions and models are arrays of objects associated with the API. For actions, see the Actions section.